Tuesday 15 January 2013

Build yourself a winning approach!

January has so far been a barren month in terms of goals. With some leagues harbouring a Christmas hangover and others still enjoying winter breaks, it’s all been a bit disjointed. The good news is that as of this weekend we are pretty much back to normal with the return of the Bundesliga and the Holy Grail (in Goal List terms) of Dutch football. Hopefully the month will pick up from here.

Those that have already purchased the Goal List Report will have the profit and loss statistics for backing over 3.5 and 4.5 goals broken down by month AND by league. They will also know that I do not yet advise backing overs in every single Goal List selection even though it has proven consistently profitable over a three month period (296 selections).

I also know that many of you are using the data presented in that section of the report to build your own over/under betting and trading models which, in my opinion is a fantastic idea and something I will certainly be looking at myself in order to increase strike rate and profits. However, the real point of this post is to highlight the fact that you do not need a bucket load of goals in every match to profit from the selections on this blog.

No goals, no profit?

Despite the Goal List being a selection system for matches which ‘should’ produce goals, it doesn’t mean if there is a dry spell we are destined to lose money. It’s all about finding a strategy and an approach which suits your style of betting or trading. 

I have a lot of messages asking me how I trade the Goal List selections. The truth is, it varies depending on my additional research. But I do have one method which is a simple, three step procedure. I know it is profitable in the long term and so it’s easy to stick to the rules without letting emotion get in the way. And best of all? I only need one goal in a game to be able to take a profit.

'Why don't you tell us?'
In order to protect my edge, I can’t simply paste this strategy about in messages or on this blog. Yes, plenty do sell systems and strategies but you show me a guy selling a detailed account and step by step process of a ‘fool proof’ betting or trading strategy and I’ll show you a liar who is robbing you in broad daylight, selling a strategy that will, without doubt lose you money. I am aware that these last few lines are pretty commonly heard, but I hope you can see that I really am trying to do something different with the Goal List and I hope it helps.

In my opinion, if you really want to be successful in sports betting or trading, you need to be able to think for yourself and understand how you can gain an advantage.

What I am trying to do with the Goal List is give you all the information you need to create your own edge using the data contained in the Goal List Report and the selections on the blog.

The Goal List Report is strewn with trends and extra statistics along with bullet point ideas on how you might begin to build a winning strategy of your own. 

You can grab a copy of the 'Goal List Report Vol.1' now for just £20.00 by clicking on the ‘Buy Now’ PayPal button on the right hand sidebar at the top of this page.


  1. Spot on. One of the most valuable commodities in trading or betting is information. With the Goallist you are doing so much of the work for your readers who with a little logical thought can turn a profit.
    Keep it up!

  2. can i just say what a excellent blog and goal list report you have wrote please keep up the good work, i personally like the half time markets and can see from your stats they will help me, have you looked at myfootybets for stats easy to use and great break down, lets us no what you think, its nothing to do with me just like the site. the schalke hannover add some goals in it didnt it.

